Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

The rest of the time in hospital was fine, had a few visitors and watched all of Grey's Anatomy series 3 DVD. Mum brought me home yesterday morning, trying to chill out but its not easy - I keep moving around, cleaning this, sorting that... didn't get to bed til late last night. By 6pm today - I knew I had overdid things, my ear started to throb something awful! This was the first time I felt any pain in the implant area...

The doctor forgot to give me a prescription leaving the hospital so I had to make do with soluble solpadine and paracetamol. It's taken the edge off the pain but its still throbbing something funny... feels like the magnet part above my ear is trying to pop out! Hope that feeling is gone tomorrow. I'm also shattered - early bed for me tonight.

I've been instructed to go to my GP on Friday to get stitches removed plus get the Swine Flu vaccine... THEN I can wash my hair!!! Looking forward to that! It feels like I've greasy manky smelly rags on my head every time I reach up to touch it. I love to be one of those people who leave their hair be and let it self-cleanse itself as nature allows but the dried blood, disinfectant residue and god-knows-what-else left behind after surgery will need washing first! Don't know if I have the patience to let it go...

Have a friend's art exhibition launch on Thursday night - really hope I'll be fit to attend, need to find a hat to cover the manky mop first though!

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